Aid for Ukraine
In addition to the fighting units, many volunteers in Ukraine contribute to civil defence and homeland security. Equipment is urgently and quickly needed for all these groups. The needs range from thermal underwear to camouflage suits/greenery, socks, boots to torches, telescopes/glasses, night vision equipment, etc. Time is short and the lives of the defenders may depend on their equipment.
The campaign was initiated and is led by Rotarian police officers. One concern is also to purchase protective waistcoats. Monetary donations are accepted for this purpose. Detailed information on all the above points can be found on the organisation's homepage:
Responsible for the campaign are
Christoph (Ozzy) Weingarten
+43 170 2737453
Friend Elmar Kurten from RC Schmallenberg
+43 2721 79175
Besides helping the people in Ukraine who are fighting for a self-determined life in freedom, this action is an opportunity to demonstrate how police and hunters can work together for a good cause.